drg. Gadara Vega
General Practitioner
09:00 - 15:00
SATU Dental Summarecon Bekasi
09:00 - 15:00
SATU Dental Summarecon Bekasi
15:00 - 21:00
SATU Dental Summarecon Bekasi
2015 – 2019 Bachelor of Dentistry
Faculty of Dentistry, Trisakti University
2019 – 2022 Doctor of Dentistry,
Faculty of Dentistry, Trisakti University
DentsLearn 17 “Operculectomy: When We Need That
Procedure?” Held by Dents.Talk
Webinar BKGN ” Dental Aesthetic dan TMD terhadap Kesehatan Umum” held by FKG Usakti
Webinar BKGN “Talkshow: Takut ke Dokter Gigi di Masa Pandemi?Teledentistry Solusinya” held by FKG USAKTI
Webinar Forum Terpadu “Mastering Dental Practice in New NormalEra” Session 1 – 4 held by 1st Bureau BEM FKG USAKTI
Webinar BKGN session 1 and 2 held by PDGI Cabang Aceh Barat.
Webinar Forum Kursus (FOKUS) “Best Practice in Dentistry To FaceThe New Normal Era” Session 2, 4, and 5 held by FKG USAKTI
Forum Kursus (FOKUS) “Digital Dentistry in Daily Practice” held by FKG USAKTI